About us
The Expertise Network Serious Acquired Brain Injury after coma (EENnacoma) is a partnership between various institutions around the theme of serious acquired brain injury. The institutions involved are organizations that provide care to patients with severe acquired brain injury, the research group No one between two stools of the Department of Primary Care of the Radboudumc and the University Knowledge Network for Elderly Care Nijmegen (UKON). EENnacoma was founded to work together to deepen and improve care, both within its own institution and at a national level. We focus on people with a long-term disorder of consciousness as well as conscious people with severe brain injury
Our people
As a team, we work hard to improve the care for people with severe acquired brain injury after coma. Curious about who is committed to this?
In 2015, a start was made on the development of a network of institutions that are involved in the care of people with severe brain injury, after which the expertise network was officially established in 2016. EENnacoma is a partnership of institutions that provide care to patients with severe ABI and the research group No one between two stools of the Department of Primary Care of the Radboudumc. Nowadays there are 11 organizations affiliated with the EENnacoma network. Would you like to know more about these organizations? Then click on the button below.