

What is EENnacoma?

EENnacoma (in Dutch: ‘Expertisenetwerk Ernstig Niet-aangeboren hersenletsel na coma’) is a collaboration between various health care organisations that provide care to people with severe acquired brain injury, the research group ‘Niemand tussen Wal en Schip’ (‘nobody falls between the cracks’)  from the research department Primary and Community Care of the RadboudUMC and UKON (University Knowledge network for Older adult care Nijmegen).

EENnacoma was founded in 2016 to strengthen the collaboration to improve the care for these patients, within the organization as well as on a national scale. We focus both on patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness and on conscious patients with severe acquired brain injury.

We have a shared mission to offer people with severe acquired brain injury an equal opportunity for recovery and to live a worthy life. We strive to provide professional, person-centered, respectful and meaningful care and support for patients and families. Appropriate care for everyone in all phases.

We do this by:

  • Developing and sharing knowledge and expertise
  • Bridging practice with research and education
  • Learning together and inspiring each other

Our mission is driven by compassion and the desire to realize appropriate care for this patient group. We have the conviction that intensive treatment and support is important in all the phases, including end-of-life care.